Prusa MK4SPrusa MK4Bambu Lab X1Kingroon KP3S Pro V2Qidi Tech X-Plus 3Elegoo Neptune 4 ProBambu Lab A1 miniElegoo Neptune 4 PlusBambu Lab A1Artillery Sidewinder X3 ProSnapmaker ArtisanCreality K1CQIDI Q1 Pro
Joined in August 26, 2022
I'm Pablo Arroyo, the brain behind the Pablo Inventos YouTube channel, where my community of more than 1.7 million followers discovers the world of 3D design and 3D printing.
As a 3D designer and content creator, I am passionate about creating unique designs that then come to life through 3D printing.
follow me as we explore together the fascinating universe of digital innovation and custom manufacturing.
I hope you enjoy my designs in STL format as much as I enjoy making for you
You can also follow me on Instagram: @pabloinventos